Union Hotel
Blackstone Associates
Blackstone, Massachusetts
Completed 1988
Our breadth of experience in programming for a broad spectrum of residential, commercial, office, and recreational use facilities forged our expertise in the planning, programming, design, and construction for mixed use facilities.
The Union Hotel is a National Historic Register stone and wood frame structure overlooking the Blackstone River. TBA worked closely with the owner to develop a program which included 27 affordable single room occupancy units, a neighborhood pub, and common recreational areas.
The apartments are unusual in that each is only between 200 and 250 square feet (one-bedroom units are slightly larger) and includes a private three fixture bath, a kitchenette, personal thermostat, and living area. All apartments share common living areas as well. Although TBA worked closely with local community development officials, this project was privately financed. Construction was by the owner acting as general contractor with special assistance by TBA.
These units were built under budget at $18,000 each ($40 per s.f.) including site development, allowing rents in the $350 - $400 range without subsidies.