Peter Oliver Jr. House
445 Plymouth Street
Middleborough, Massachusetts
Completed 2017
TBA Architects, Inc. was retained by the Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing conditions at the historic 1769 Peter Oliver Jr. House, located on 54 acres of Nemasket Riverfront in Middleborough, Massachusetts. Our investigation aimed at identifying deficiencies requiring repair or replacement for the envelope and interior of the main house. Our report indicated various envelope component failures necessitating immediate repair or replacement to assure safe and comfortable conditions for visitors, as well as to restore the building’s historic character and charm. Envelope components specified in the preferred option selected by the Town to proceed to construction include site work, roof replacement, window and door systems repair and replacement, masonry repair for the stone foundation and chimney, siding, gutters and downspout repair, as well as exterior paint finishes.
The Middleborough Oliver House project was successfully completed on schedule in 2017, and the restored building is open for public use. TBA takes pride in our historic preservation work, seeking opportunity across all categories of work to restore and enhance Massachusetts’ historically significant buildings.