Lighthouse School House Doctor
25 Wellman Avenue
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Ongoing 2002-2024
TBA Architects was originally retained to provide an existing conditions analysis, space master planning, programming, feasibility, and complete architectural services for this private, inter-disciplinary school for special needs children ages 3 to 22. It has grown into a relationship that's lasted several years in which time we have discussed and developed options for expansion, new structures, and reconfiguration.
Master Planning
Following thorough space analysis, we explored design options that would increase the size of the school by at least 30 percent to provide for decompression and functional meeting spaces on a tightly constrained site located in a flood plain district.
We've also assisted in some industrial design for their ever-developing pedagogy which has further helped them in achieving their mission as a "lighthouse" for children.
Conference Room
In 2012, construction for the reconfiguration of existing conditions resulted in a new conference room and accompanying workspaces.
Crisis Center
In 2016, interior reconfiguration gave way to a new crisis center where students have access to a safe, secure, and calm space outside of the collective classroom.
Reopening Planning
As part of on-call services, TBA is ready to take on the school’s needs as they arise. As school systems prepare for reopening in the wake of COVID-19, TBA is working with school systems to assess and analyze spatial conditions to formulate the safest options for returning students.